Monday, January 6, 2014

Over a week in and I am learning a lot.  Step one for me in this battle is nutrition.  I am changing my food habits for the better.  I have always been a athletic girl and eating carbs, meats and dairy have never been a problem.  But since having kids foods have been affecting me in ways I never noticed.  My new way of eating is 80/20.  80% organic fruits and vegetables with at least half raw (juice).  The other 20% is cooked foods like pastas, fish, gluten free breads.  I have been implementing this slowly and now am in the full swing.  I have cut out all gluten, and red meat as well chicken and pork.  I have also cut out milk and limit my intake of cheese.

Just this week a friend had a party and served only red meat, enriched wheat rolls, chips and nacho cheese.  With that meal as well as alcohol I was hurting yesterday.  My skin drastically reacts to stress (another step to control) and with the food I eat.

I ate the meat and bread on Saturday and Sunday my skin was inflamed and very red.  I also noticed the eczema had spread and hurts, if you have eczema you know what I mean.  So I need to stick to my plan.  This will be hard especially for special events but I just need to prepare myself.

In closing this is my average weekly meal.

Upon waking:  glass of water
Breakfast: Green juice (organic cucumber, 2 celery ribs, 2 carrots, cilantro, parsley, green apple, a splash of water, 1" pice of ginger and 2 ice cubes)  This one mix in half for breakfast and for dinner.  I also use a vistmix that uses the whole plant and thus add the water to not have it so thick.
Lunch: Cooked meal, no gluten and usually leftovers with vegetables.  I having trouble with this meal as I love to eat a cooked meal with my husband but I am trying to stick with it.
Snack: celery, carrots, gluten free crackers
Dinner:  salad with a bit of what my family is having and the rest of my green juice from breakfast

I am in this!  Prayers for me!

What I need to work on:  stress, meditation, water intake, exercise and breathing.

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