Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wearing shorts and no long sleeves

Unfortunately I hope to post better images of my skin. Only good thing is it has looked worse. But man am I ready for this to be gone. I never post pics of my neck or face but they are covered and flaring too. 

Want to swim.

When it's summer. You have a crystal clear pool. All you want to do I swim... And your skin looks like this...

Maybe next summer. ☹️

Monday, June 20, 2016

Keep swimming ...

I have had two terrible Sunday's in a row. Yesterday I woke to tons of shedding skin on my shoulders and neck area. This is the first time for those areas. I wake every day to my arms and neck shedding and flaking. Think of the worst sunburn you hav had but full body and everyday bit creates immense anxiety for me. But rather than getting better it seems to dart the same. That should have tipped me off to the flare to come but I ignored it and on Father's Day I had terrible pain and flares after 1 pm. Flares where the pain was so Bad I could not talk. I am very zombie like when they come. I try to go about my day but I can't. I am in pain. Anxious. Irritable. Depressed you name it. 

I made my hubby s cereal breakfast, his chide. And then took my shower. Upon getting out the Tsw skin felt so and crusty I badly could breathe. It came off in sheets and after I m felt raw and tired. But we pressed on and after lunch we took the kids to see 'finding dory' where the flare started. Luckily the movie theater was cool after the flares began.   And did not end until bedtime. 

I hate this life. I want my skin back. I hate who I am with pain. I miss being happy and having energy. Prayers cause that all I have left. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Month 30

Pain. I know pain too well. I am tired. Just last week my little family of 4 moved. We are currently on an extended "vacation" in the antelope valley waiting for our dream ranch. We are in escrow for a 16+ acre ranch in acton ca. I have seen so many positive changes since we moved. Before I was in some bad times. We moved in With my parents after our home sold. We decided to relocate to Acton, our future, to acclimate our lives. And for the most part it had been positive. I have been better. Prior I have been forced to wear sleeves to even get though my day. I have not worn them at all except for bed for almost a week. I have home cooked every meal except two. One my husband made and the other we ate at a local spot. I am pray this will finally leave me. I pray this will never hurt another. I know God hears me. I don't know why I have to bear this but I pray it will leave me soon. I feel like a shell of my former self. Soon, I hope, I will be better Than I have ever been.